Sunday, October 31, 2010

31 Movies of Halloween: Day 31

Day 31 - Alien

This is it, ladies and gents. The final film of my 31 Movies of Halloween. And it is a doozy.
That was a spicy meat-a-ball.

Alien is the single greatest horror movie of all time. It terrified me the first time I saw it. It terrified me the twenty-first time I saw it. Seriously. I'm scared by this movie every time I watch it, and I know everything that is going to happen, and when it will happen. 
Nightmare's have nightmares of this.

I don't just mean that I'm scared when I watch this at night with the lights off, which is absolutely terrifying. This movie scares me when I watch it on a sunny day, at noon, with the lights on. That scary.
Never gonna stop showing this visual.

The genius of the movie is that the alien (or xenomoph) is rarely seen. And when it is, the scenes are quick and vicious. You never know when (or if) you'll see it, and the claustrophobia of the ship makes the viewer feel what the characters feel. This is the film that made Ridley Scott Ridley Scott.
H.R. Geiger is a haunted man...

I'm not going to go over the movie's plot. You should have seen this movie already. If you haven't, I don't want to ruin it, because you have to see this movie. It is amazing. This could easily be my favorite movie, but I have to take points off because it frightens me too much to have it be my favorite. Wrap your minds around that.
And Sigourney Weaver looked damn fine in it. Lecherousssssssssssss.

Best Part:
If you couldn't tell by now, the best part of the film is the sheer terror and grossness of the chest bursting scene. Oh, if you haven't seen the movie yet, there's a chest bursting, spoiler alert. But anyway, the crew is just having a nice dinner, joking around, being a crew and all. When all of the sudden, John Hurt has chest pains. Then there is a form pressing up from under his shirt. There's screaming and OHMYGOD! Blood splatters everywhere, and an alien baby bursts through John Hurt's chest. This is John Hurt, people, not some random Red Shirt or extra. John. Hurt. What the Hell!? So freaking awesome.
And now you'll never want to eat cake again.

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