Tuesday, October 19, 2010

31 Movies of Halloween: Day 19

Day 19 - Cemetery Man

Cemetery Man is awesome! Once again, it's an Italian film, which means it's poorly dubbed and super wacky. Aka, this movie is amazing. 
And this DVD cover doesn't scream "DTV" at all.

As the title implies, the film is about the caretaker (or "engineer" as he is repeatedly called, or, dare I say, a "Cemetery Man"?) for a cemetery and his "special" groundskeeping assistant. They're named Francesco and Gnaghi (who answers with various inflections of "gna"), respectively, but they could have easily been named Abbott and Costello or George and Lenny...if something horrible had gone wrong in their lives. Anywys, they kill the zombies that reanimate in the graveyard they tend.
Zombie slaying badasses. Wait, whaaaaaaaaa?

It's an extremely dark comedy. Like, way dark. And the whole zombie thing? It's just kind of expected. I don't really get it. Everybody is shockingly cavalier about the whole thing. They just add to the story.
Just realized that Rupert Everett loves dumb sidekicks.

Add to the story? Yeah, that's right folks: Cemetery Man is a zombie movie that kind of de-emphasizes the zombies. It's really about Francesco falling in love, losing that love, and then descending into madness. But isn't that life? Yes. Yes, it is. Also, it ends like St. Elsewhere. Spoiler Alert.

It's definitely an awesome movie, and I highly recommend it. There's pretty ridic zombie shenanigans, like this:
Yeah, it's love, but it's not weird, right?

But it's also just a really good, involved movie, and I can't do it justice, so just see it.

Best Part:
Rupert Everett was amazing. That's pretty much all I have to say about it. I mean, he played Dr. Claw in Inspector Gadget!
I'll get you next time, zombies! NEXT TIME!!!

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