Wednesday, October 20, 2010

31 Movies of Halloween: Day 20

Day 20 - Zombies of Mass Destruction

Hey, know what's not a good movie? Zombies of Mass Destruction. Billed as a politically influenced zombie comedy, the end result is a poorly written, poorly acted, and poorly messaged film. 
Keeping. It. Classy.

It's about a zombie outbreak in the small town of Port Gamble, Washington. That's all well and good, blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda, except we find out that the outbreak was apparently caused by a terrorist (who I think was played by a white dude just acting incredibly racist...I could be wrong). The movie (mostly) follows an American girl of Iranian descent as she has to try to survive, both zombies and adversity, until help arrives.
She's clearly one of them, whatchacallits? O-Sam-as?

But during the zombie attack, the film explores the "hard hitting" subjects of homosexuality, torture, religious extremeism, and that whole "Middle East" thing. There are also rednecks. In Washington. State, not DC.

Most of the characters are stereotypes, which can be okay, except that these aren't even well written. And that's the crime.

Best Part:
I don't know. I was really bummed out when I found out that this movie has nothing to do with the comic book ZMD: Zombies of Mass Destruction. So, I guess I'll just have to say that the best part of the movie is this guy:
Zombie Terrorist from the poster! Huzzah!

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