Friday, March 4, 2011

Women I Love - Spotlight: Nicki Clyne

The month of March is Women's History Month. As such, I will, from time to time, be posting blogs about women I love. Wellllllllll, admire. Love is a strong word, and as I don't actually know any of these women personally, that would be weird. But I digress... Anyways, here is one of the aforementioned blogs about a woman that I admire...
And another reason to love Canada.

Anybody who reads my blog (so, you know, nobody), knows that I have a huge crush on Nicki Clyne. She is the celebrity that I probably mention the most in my tweets (sorry about that Miss Clyne, if you are, for some reason, actually reading this), though, I must admit, Charlie Sheen is getting up there. Still, I have to say, she has been awesome and has Tweeted back to me on multiple occasions. Epic. Win. As mentioned in one of my earliest posts, I had the extremely pleasant surprise of bumping into her at the 2010 New York Comic Con.
In the words of Liz Lemon: "Suck it, nerds."

Nicki could not have been nicer. Even though she was in a hurry to get ready for a "Women of Battlestar Galactica" panel, she was kind enough to stop and talk with me for a few minutes. Side note, why is it that Canadians are just much nicer people than Americans? Whattup with that?
This is the event I was making her late for.

I had met the legendary Bruce Campbell earlier in the day, but, I must admit, I was far more starstruck with this chance encounter. She just seemed like a really genuine, cool person. And I'm sure I came off like a box of tools. Regardless, it was definitely the highlight of the Con. 
And why wouldn't it be?

For those of you (imaginary readers) who don't know who Nicki Clyne is, then I have just one thing to say to all (none?) of you: shame. Shame, shame, shame. Blarg to you. But any who... It's safe to say that Miss Clyne is best known as Specialist Cally Tyrol (née Henderson) on the (now woefully ended) SyFy megahit reimagining of Battlestar Galactica. If you haven't seen it yet, you must be out of your frakking minds. It's genius. Plus it has Edward James Olmos. And, of course, Nicki Clyne.
Fun Fact: In space, men are the ones who get
screwed over at the mechanics.
The more you know.

I feel that this can quickly spiral into a Battlestar lovefest, so let me tell you where else you may have seen the talented Miss Clyne. She has played bit parts in episodes of Smallville, Dark Angel, Dead Zone, The L Word, and Dead Like Me, among others. On the big screen, you may have seen her in Saved! or, as a good friend pointed out to me, John Tucker Must Die, in which she is very aptly credited as "Beautiful Girl #2."
But #1 in our hearts.

The most recent film I've seen her in (well, not seen so much as heard) was Godkiller, an illustrated film (aka a motion comic, like they did with Astonishing X-Men & Watchmen, before the film came out), based on the graphic novel of the same name. The full name is Godkiller: Walk Among Us, as it's the first piece of a trilogy. Alongside a pretty impressive cast, Nicki voices Soledad, who can probably be best described as an awesome mix of Boba Fett, The Man With No Name, Snake Eyes, and Sarah Connor (T2 era, not the original film. And prettier).
Corn. Muffin. Goodness.
Alternatively: Corn. Muffin. Spockness.

I've recently taken the responsibility of trying to garner support to get Miss Clyne cast as Lois Lane in Zack Snyder's new Superman reboot after (what I'm taking as) receiving her support in the matter. If anybody is actually reading this, please visit this site and sign the petition. Also, bring the fight to Twitter with the hashtag #WeWantNickiClyneAsLoisLane. As I goofed in an earlier Tweet, you can also show support with the #WeWantNikkiClyneAsLoisLane. I know the chances are slim, but hey, crazier things have happened in Hollywood.
Those are the eyes that could make
a Man of Steel melt.

NOTE TO NICKI CLYNE: As I'm going to be tagging you in my Tweet about this article, if you do actually read this, I would be amazingly honored if you were to follow me on Twitter, reTweet this article, comment or follow my blog, even consider any of the previous possibilities, or any combination of the last few statements. You're amazingly talented, and there needs to be far more of you on screens big and small. Also, thanks once again for being so cool to a nerd like me, both on Twitter & at NYCC.
I reiterate: "Suck it, nerds."
Alternatively: My hair is the pits in this pic.

1 comment:

  1. Totally! Cally was uber-hot in BSG
    The episode with her death was one of my favorites. Airlock deaths were always intense but hers kicked it up to another level and just because of how good she was leading up to that point. She had a great arc and a completely believable breakdown.
