Saturday, October 16, 2010

31 Movies of Halloween: Day 16

Day 16 - Fido

So, Fido is the tale of a post-zombpocalyptic world (original, right?)... in a 1950-ish era (right)!
Remember what to do in case of a zombie attack, kids!

America being the capitalistic haven that it is, a corporation figured a way to "neuter" zombies, making them docile, obedient slaves and pets. That's right: they tried to change a tiger's stripes. With technology. And science.

It's a pretty decent film. But if you're looking for a scare, you're in the wrong place. The film is definitely on the lighter hearted side. The words "fun," "whimsical," and "shockingly cavalier" aren't normally words that you would associate with a "good" zombie movie, but Fido makes it work.

Best Part:

The pure creepiness of the human/zombie romance that is peppered throughout the film.
True love.

Yeah. There are human/zombie romances in this film. Creepshow. To. The. Max. I don't get it, and it just creeps me the hell out.
They're gonna last. Well, until decay sets in, at least.

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