Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Adventures in Nerdcore aka If You've Heard One, You've Heard Them All

Nerdcore is a surprisingly growing subgroup of hip-hop. It usually deals with content based off of science fiction or pop culture, though it doesn't always have to be such. But usually. Basically what I'm saying is that the definition of nerdcore is confusing, but when you hear the music, you know what it is. Mostly. MC Frontalot is credited with coining the term, and since then, he's been joined by acts such as MC Lars & Optimus Rhyme in bring the genre to prominence. Most nerdcore artists are independent, recording & producing their own music at home. Which I really hope means their mom's basement. And even though this seems to be a style of music aimed solely at me & my ilk, that doesn't mean I don't have my issues with the form. My big problem with nerdcore is that it runs too much together, and there can be a lack of differentiation between artists. A perfect example is MC Lars & Adam WarRock:

MC Lar's True Player for Real

Adam WarRock's MAL

I will say this, though: I would highly suggest downloading WarRock's Browncoat Mixtape. It's free, it's awesome, and, if you're a Firefly/Serenity fan, it's REALLY awesome.

But seriously, I'm sadly starting to get sick of nerdcore.

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