Friday, April 1, 2011

Haikus are Poems/They are for Your Enjoyment/This is a Haiku

In classic 5-7-5 structure.

All silliness in the title aside, haikus are a wonderful style of poem. Created centuries ago in Japan, Haikus traditionally consist of 17 moras (also known as on), though Westerners often say syllable instead of mora (they aren't the same thing). The beauty of the Haiku is the sheer simplistic elegance of its short verses, but, short as they may be, each line can carry an emotional weight to it that even epic poems may not produce.
Buson was considered one of the greats of the Edo period.

Basho Matsuo, also of the Edo period, is known as the first of the truly great Haiku poets.

An old silent pond...
A frog jumps into the pond,
splash! Silence again.

Other Haikus lack in depth, though.

The "Charles Dickens" of Japan, Natsume Soseki, also tried his hand at Haikus:

Over the wintry
forest, winds howl in rage
with no leaves to blow.

And good ones don't have to be about nature.


  1. Very good haiku... May I share a Haiku for Dante Alighieri in

  2. Interesting haikus... keep the good work... May I share A Haiku (Japenese short poems) for Akira Kurosawa in
